If you’re reading this, there’s a good chance that you have an email account. You may well have several – perhaps separate accounts for professional and personal contacts。
It’s easy to assume that we know how to use email effectively: it’s been around for long enough. But if you find yourself struggling to communicate effectively by email, these six tips should help:
1. Start With an Appropriate Salutation
Some people jump straight into the text of an email without so much as a “h ……此处隐藏1358个字……有些人从来都没有使用过它,但我们也看过一些非常有意思和哲理的签名。
Whether you’re using email for professional or personal reasons, make your signature useful for both you and your recipient. That might mean:
Giving the link to your website
Including your work address and/or phone number
写上你的工作地址或电话号码Adding links to your social media accounts注上你的社会媒体工具帐号(例如博客,微博,论坛)Putting in a line to promote your recent book / blog / product
If your email provider allows it, you may even want to create several signatures to use for different purposes (e.g. one for emailing friends, one for new business contacts)。